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Finding Those Training Moments

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My students are anti-homework, so I suggest they find time throughout the day for training moments. For example, I work on sit stays with my dogs while I fold the laundry (about 5 minutes of training time) and when I brush my teeth (2 minutes of training time). Currently, we are working on the sit test variations for the My Dog Has C.L.A.S.S. evaluation. We do that while the dogs’ breakfasts and dinners soak for 5 minutes (I set a timer).

As an instructor, sometimes the day gets away from me. Creating moments throughout the day is the only way my own dogs get trained!

KPA Training Tips of the Day are brought to you by Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partners. You can find more articles, ideas, and inspiration to help you train better and enjoy a lifelong bond with your dog on our website.

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