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Take Advantage of “In the Door” Training

Filed in - Training Tips - Dogs

When is your dog totally "into" you? When you come home from being out and you walk through your door!

Take full advantage of this predictable interest and excitement and use it as a focused 3-minute training session. Simply prepare your treats before you go out, and plan a behavior to work on when you come home. When you walk in the door, say your "hello," grab your clicker and treats, and start training the behavior.

There are two things to keep in mind. First, your dog may be overexcited, so get ready to shape an offered behavior you may not be expecting. Second, your dog may be so "into" you that you may need to have a second behavior (or third!) to work on—and extra treats, too, of course!

KPA Training Tips of the Day are brought to you by Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partners. You can find more articles, ideas, and inspiration to help you train better and enjoy a lifelong bond with your dog on our website.

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