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Karen's Letters

Clicker vs. Traditional Training: What's the Real Difference?

I was talking on the phone recently to a magazine writer—a nice guy who used to be a working cowboy. He spends a lot of time thinking about kind vs. cruel animal training.  "So, is that the real difference between clicker training and traditional training?" he asked. "Is it that one is more positive than the other?

Taking it on the Road

I've upgraded my hairstyle. I've been power-walking to build extra stamina. I'm practicing sound bites, using eye makeup, studying Diane Sawyer's wardrobe, and trying to figure out if it's possible to train dogs on camera while wearing jewelry and a skirt—never mind the high heels. ClickerExpo faculty member Joan Orr calls this look "Book Tour Karen." I guess it is! Reaching the Animal Mind will be published officially on June 16, 2009, with television appearances and plenty of press interviews to follow.

Reaching the Animal Mind...at last!

For several years I've been hard at work on a new book. Now it's being published by Scribner, a division of Simon and Schuster, on June 16, 2009, and we'll start shipping orders for autographed copies on that date. 

Lick It!

Karen Pryor Academy's Dog Trainer Program combines online education, at-home training exercises, and a series of workshops with a KPA faculty member. One of the first exercises in the online web lessons is to teach your dog to lick its lips, on purpose, for a click and a treat at home.

A New Year's Exercise for Grownups: Changing your View

Here's an exercise anyone can try.

During the day, make a point of noticing something someone else is doing that you like—someone at work, someone at home, a stranger even. It need not be something unusual. It can be something you already expect them to do anyway.