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Clickin' the Pug, vol. 3

Filed in - pugs - clicker training - food

Hi all! Hope everyone had a nice weekend! Ours was wet. And we're due to get dumped on today and tomorrow, too. I think there's even going to be flood warnings. Oh yeah...and there was a small earthquake in the Portland area last night. We didn't feel anything, but then again it was only a 2.6 and we're about 25 miles SW of Portland. Not a dull day, I tell ya!

Frankie is doing ok with her new food. We used it to train Saturday evening, and once she finally ate a piece of kibble, she was pretty in to it. We worked on our usual...sit, down, go to bed, gimme five, wave, and stick 'em up. Sit is her strongest one at the moment, with gimme five a close second. I didn't realize how many kibble pieces are in 1/2 cup of dog food. I was worried that we would have to have shorter sessions if I was using her food. Not so! We did a good 15 minutes of training, then I let her have the rest.

Sunday morning was a lazy morning. I didn't do any training, and Frankie had a 'free' breakfast. Well, aparently free isn't good for her because she didn't eat it. We picked the food up after about 1/2 hour and the next meal was dinner. We're doing this to our cats, too, and they are none too amused. Frankie has a little habit of sneaking cat food when we're not looking. Gee, and I wonder why she's gained weight!

Frankie was hungry for dinner. Those baleful pug eyes that were following me around everywhere, especially to the kitchen clued me in. I'm sure she was thinking that I was starving her or something. Hey, ya gotta eat when it's offered, puggy! Training went very well. We worked on the usual and she was more than willing to eat up every bite of kibble that I offered! We're working on a longer sit up for our 'stick 'em up' trick. And I keep clicking when she's offering the wrong behavior for 'wave', dag nabbit! She'll look like she's just going to put one paw up, then right when I click, both paws shoot up.

This morning, not a single kibble is left in her bowl. I only fed her half her portion because I want to get a training session in after work.

That's all for now!

Ellen & Frankie