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Long-Awaited Relief for Owners of Aggressive Dogs

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Groundbreaking techniques for calming aggressive and reactive dogs, available through the just released title, Click to Calm: Healing the Aggressive Dog, offer hope to the millions of pet owners who struggle with their dogs' embarrassing and even dangerous behavior.

Waltham, MA (PRWEB) March 18, 2005 -- In Click to Calm, author and Canine Behavioral Consultant Emma Parsons uniquely and effectively addresses canine aggression through an all-positive reinforcement approach based on the principles of clicker training, which she studied and practiced with noted Behavioral Biologist, trainer and author Karen Pryor. Parsons sought out this new approach to calming aggressive behavior when her own golden retriever pup became an aggressive adult and traditional approaches not only failed, but exacerbated the problem. Parsons set out to find a new way. In her book, Parsons offers pet owners step-by-step ‘recipes' to help them achieve the same breakthroughs with their dogs that she and her clients experienced first hand. Parson's also helps pet owners solve a range of hard-to-manage behaviors such as excessive bouncing, nipping, leash-pulling, and jumping.

Click to Calm presents a set of straightforward recipes that enable the owner to:

- Desensitize their dog to the approach of other strange dogs
- Teach their dog appropriate greetings for people and dogs
- Grab their dog's collar without getting bitten
- Teach their dog to perform canine calming signals on cue and,
- Establish life-saving emergency cues for use in overly stressful situations

Click to Calm is available at www.clickertraining.com and dogwise.com and at selected pet stores nationwide for $24.95. For information on Click to Calm educational seminars, visit www.clickertraining.com.

Emma Parsons, the Behavior Training Consultant for the VCA Rotherwood Animal Hospital in Shrewsbury, MA, focuses on the management and reduction of canine aggression. Parsons has taught clicker training classes in conjunction with Tufts Veterinary School of Medicine and serves on the faculty of the educational conference, ClickerExpo. Her groundbreaking work with aggression has won an award and accolades from the prestigious Animal Behavior Management Association. Karen Pryor Clickertraining is the leading online source of information, products, and services related to clicker training: http://www.clickertraining.com.

Rosana Hart's picture

I'm blogging about this book

See my blog here on clickertraining.com, at
where I begin blogging about using this book with one of my dogs. I plan to continue blogging about how it goes, every week or 2.

Rosana Hart

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