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ClickerExpo Gets Even Better.. and Here's Why!

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ClickerExpo - West in Berkeley, CA was attended by a record number of clicker trainers... and what an enthusiastic crowd it was! 98%(!) of the registrants who filled out the feedback form reported that ClickerExpo either met their expectations, exceeded their expectations or gave them a "wow" experience. In fact, more people reported "Wow" than anything else!

Why are people saying"Wow!"?

First, an incredibly talented and committed faculty. ClickerExpo's mission is education and every faculty member, in addition to being just full of talent and having a lifetime of experience and wisdom, relished the opportunity to engage with the attendees. Here are a few comments:

  • "Thank you so much for your brilliance, wisdom, and dedication to educating the rest of us!"
  • "The speakers were so up! They talked TO us not down. The information was wonderful and they were so knowledgeable Terrific variety of truly gifted, experienced, enthusiastic speakers!

Second, the diversity of the faculty and the attendees. There is no doubt about it, in diversity there is strength. ClickerExpo pulls together faculty and attendees from the canine pet, service and sport world, the zoo and marine mammal worlds; from the research and academic behavior centers, and from the human world. The result? Cross-pollination that strengthens everyone's skills and broadens their perspective on what is possible.

  • "Different speakers, view points, approaches. As much as I valued the "pure [dog] sessions", I LOVED the "Clicking with Kindness" and "Life Impact" sessions."
  • "My favorite things were going into new areas that I was less familiar with (police dogs, dolphins, horses)- it challenged me to think about how training with the clicker can apply to all species, including humans."
  • "I had so many moments, at least one a class, of WOW, I get it!"

Third, the atmosphere and culture of ClickerExpo creates a unique educational experience From the WAY people teach, to the way that participants go out of their way to help one another learn, to the way that the conference staff works to help attendees. That makes an unmistakable impression that THIS is a different sort of conference.

  • "The positive mindset let me release fear and learn freely-- what a good lesson for me!"
  • "The speakers [were the best part]... not only what they presented but more HOW they presented it"
  • "Thank you all so much for a life altering experience for me and my spirit. The opportunity to be here, and meet and work with all of you, wonderful, wonderful teachers at this time in history is a life-defining moment for me.... Thank you, thank you, thank you."

So, our thanks go out to the great faculty and staff of ClickerExpo and to the attendees at ClickerExpo. It takes great people to make a great event .... Thank you.

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