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Clicker training business hit the ground running after Expo

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KPCT President Aaron Clayton's "Growing Your Business" session at ClickerExpo gave many trainers much food for thought. By exploring the challenges and opportunities facing professional clicker trainers, Aaron stirred the minds and hearts of trainers looking to build and grow successful businesses.

Here's an example of one trainer who attended ClickerExpo, and not two weeks later has press coverage of her pet store adding clicker training to their repertoire:

New Winona pet store offers refined selection

"The pet industry is booming," Aditi Terpstra said. "Per capita spending is going up every year. In Winona, the percentage of pet owners is going up."

A dog trainer for more than 10 years, Terpstra recently completed a clicker training course in the Twin Cities, where she learned to use a positive reinforcement technique to train dogs, cats, rabbits and even hamsters. In addition to training, the store will offer in-home pet sitting for people on vacation.

Learn more about training business opportunities and challenges at our Business Success Center, or attend ClickerExpo to get the full view of where clicker training is headed in the next year.