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New Hampshire SPCA Clicks for Life!

The NH SPCA writes about the progress and challenges in their program.

Susan Carney is Community Programs Manager at the New Hampshire SPCA in Stratham, New Hampshire. Spurred by the success of other New England shelters, her organization is planning to incorporate clicker training in their program. Earlier this spring Susan wrote to our Shelter Resource Center, "I've taken the hints and information from your shelter pack and I think we will be OK. I am really excited about all that I have learned. I am going to try to take a crack at training the staff myself. Our first training session is May 6th."

Three weeks later we heard from Susan again:
"Just wanted to give you an update. I have been training our staff in Clicker for the past 3 weeks. Things are going really well: we were fortunate to have an aggressive dog, an overly shy dog and a very very active dog during the initial weeks of training." [editor's note: It takes a clicker trainer to see those three dogs as a lucky thing to have! KP] "All of us got to see the benefits of the clicker working on these dogs in the very first week... AMAZING.

"Here are a few quotes from our staff that I thought you would like. The question was asked,

"What has been your biggest achievement this past week with clicker training?"

  • "In general seeing the difference in the kennels and the dogs-they are quieter-the dogs are anticipating treats and looking more alertly at walkers and visitors."
  • "To have "Charlie" (a very shy dog) respond to strangers at the front of his cage--and walking easier (more confident)."

"What has been your biggest challenge?"

There are great things going on here and I just wanted to say thanks and even though I haven't needed you yet I am glad you are there."

Susan Carney
Community Programs Manager
Behavior Consultant

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