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Training Multiple Behaviors Concurrently?

Filed in - training - behavior - question - teaching

Ok, so I've spent some time going through the incredible library articles available on the site, but haven't been able to find an answer to a question. Is it possible to teach/condition/reinforce more thanone behavior at a time?

I've started clicker training my puppy to sit, and while the little guy is really doing a great job and making good progress, I'm looking ahead to what we can accomplish next. He responds already to the cue of saying "sit", but I'm not sure if that's because it's the only thing I've asked him for, so that's the only thing he knows to do or offer, or because he has really made the connection to the behavior already.

 Would trying to teach him another behavior like "down" be useful or even possible right now? Or would it just confuse him and undo some of the progress we've made with "sit"? Another question I have is will teaching him another behavior help him to differentiate between the two?


***After doing some more reading, I've figured out that I can click my puppy for any good behaviors he displays. There may be hope for my poor couches yet! =)