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Preview: Clicker Training Events Calendar

We're pleased to announce a sneak preview of our new Clicker Training Events Calendar, a searchable database of clicker training and TAGteaching events where you can post your own events for free, or find events near you at any time.

Interesting new research on operant conditioning

These are abstracts of recent studies on applied behavior and the neurologic impact of positive reinforcement training. Especially interesting to see that the stress hormones of lab animals trained with forceful or punitive methods skew research results. Positive reinforcement training not only makes it easier to work with and care for the animals, but keeps test results clean from physiologic stress.

ClickerExpo receives CEU accreditation from IAABC

ClickerExpo has received CEU accreditation from the IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavioral Consultants). Attendees at ClickerExpo can earn up to

Do you train assistance dogs? A new clicker newsletter for you

Paws-Up, Inc., in Mulvane, Kansas, produces workbooks, handouts, and other products for people clicker training assistance or therapy dogs. Their quarterly newsletter, "A Pawsitive Canine Experience," contains useful articles, plus research briefs, references to current research papers, and recommended online links. ClickerExpo faculty members Virginia Broitman and Debi Davis are contributing authors, and the current issue (Summer 2005) features Karen Pryor's piece "On Being a Changemaker."

She teaches dog lovers new tricks (phillyBurbs.com)

We've been seeing lots of articles like this one which feature a local clicker trainer explaining how they train and bringing people into the fold. We get these every day from across the country, and occasionally we will feature them here on the blog.