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The Dog Who Chewed Shoes

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Excerpted from Click for Joy: Questions and Answers from Clicker Trainers and their Dogs by Melissa Alexander, an unparalleled guide to the concepts of clicker training. Melissa is also the moderator of ClickerSolutions, an online discussion forum.

Q: How do I stop destructive chewing? I've tried everything I can think of!


A: Dogs chew. It's a natural, normal, necessary canine behavior, especially for puppies and young dogs. As a dog owner, your responsibility is to provide lots of acceptable chew toys and teach your dog to use them. The following tips will help you get control of destructive chewing:

  • If you catch your dog chewing something inappropriate, interrupt her and redirect her to something acceptable. Be consistent—and persistent. There's no need to scold her for chewing the wrong thing.

  • Give your dog lots of acceptable chew toys. What constitutes "lots"? If you walk into a room where your dog spends lots of time and don't see at least three chew toys, you probably need more. Find out what she likes to chew, and make sure those toys are abundant. When you see your dog chewing on something acceptable, praise her! Let her know you approve of what she's doing. Don't take good behavior for granted.

  • If your dog chews up something while you're gone, don't get angry when you get home; the dog won't associate your anger with her chewing. Put her in another room and clean up the mess without drawing undue attention to it.

  • Puppy-proof your house. Pick up anything that might be chewed. Coat electrical cords and furniture legs with Bitter Apple or another bad-tasting substance. Do your best to make sure there's nothing inappropriate for puppies and adolescent dogs to chew.

  • Watch your dog. Use doors and baby gates to keep her in the room you are in. The dog can't sneak away and chew something if she's always under your watchful eye.

When you're not available to watch her, either crate your dog or put her in a completely puppy-safe room. Set her up to succeed!

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Thank for the tip!

Honey is a stray someone dumped off in the country at about 3 months of age and I am slowly trying to calm her and work with her. The vet states "she's some kind of hound" so she is extremly energetic!!

She will get over playful and bite at my hands or clothing and if I turn to ignore her she goes for my feet.

I will attempt this today and see if it helps out not only for the nipping but also for other things.


Do you have any tips for

Do you have any tips for playbiting? We have an 11 week old Border Collie and he insists on chewing people's hands and peoples clothes, sleaves etc, and he's starting to hurt. We've tried to distract him with toys, we've tried growling at him, tapping his nose, saying no, but this seems to make him more determined to bite/ chew your hands. He's also started going to bite my face and i'm really worried as our previous dog was quite agressive and I don't want it to progress and get worse.


Thank you

Try saying "nah-ah!"  sharply

Try saying "nah-ah!"  sharply and loudly, yet make it short so it surprises your dog. 

As soon as he stops, look at him with disapproval, and turn around and go do something else.

That shows him that if he bites, then his "pack" doesn't approve.  Most likely

he just wants to play, like all puppies do.  Also make sure to give him plenty of chew toys and exercise.

Good luck! 


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