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Bark Magazine Highlights Guide Dogs for the Blind’s Crossover to Clicker Training

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The Summer 2014 issue of Bark Magazine features an article about Guide Dogs for the Blind's (GDB's) crossover to clicker training. The article, entitled "Crossing Over," explores the benefits that the organization is seeing since incorporating clicker training. According to the article, using traditional training methods, roughly 45 to 50 percent of the dogs entering the formal training process made guide dog status. With clicker training, 60 to 85 percent of the dogs graduate and are paired with a blind partner successfully.

The article includes insight from Karen Pryor as well as GDB Director of Development and ClickerExpo faculty member Michele Pouliot. "The dogs are more enthusiastic, better thinkers, and problem solvers," says Michele of the change. GDB's partnership with KPA on a new puppy-raising project is also highlighted.

Read the article.

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