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Don't Shoot the Dog! Reviews

"Karen Pryor has been a pioneer ... anyone who wants to be more effective in rearing children, teaching, or managing his or her own behavior will find her book very useful."
—B.F. Skinner

"Pryor explains why punishment — the 'take that!' style of trying to get people to change — so often fails, and she describes the specific methods that do work. This book will do more for human relations that all the well-meaning but vague pep talks to love thy neighbor, or improve thyself, for Pryor hows how to move from intention to results. "
—Carol Tavris, Ph.D, author of Anger

"A wealth of relevent anecdotes ... Pryor's treatment of ten situations by each of eight moethods is a perfect illustration of behavior modification. "
—Publishers Weekly

"A pivotal work in the field of human psychology and dog training ... A must-read for anyone interested in human of canine bahavior modification."
—Deborah Jones, Ph.D, assistant professor, Kent State University, and owner, Planet Canine Dog Training School

"Don't Shoot the Dog! opened my eyes and my heart to a better way to communicate with my dogs and with those of my clients and students."
—Lee Livingwood, Lee Livingwood's Canine Learning Center

"Karen has a great gift of teaching us how to use positive reinforcement not only to train our animals but to use it in everyday life!"
—Teresa Loya, director, Canine Companions, Inc.

"Don't Shoot the Dog! has been the single most significant influence jon the way I deal with both human and canine students, not to mention friends, colleagues, and my own husband."
—Elizabeth TeSelle, professional dog trainer and writing instructor

"I use [ Don't Shoot the Dog! ] in my Criterion-Based Behavior class where students are required to do a number of projects, including some on non-human animals. Students love your book because they say it makes BA come alive or them."
—Claudia McDade

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