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Herding Dogs: Clicker Training Resource

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Are you interested in training a herding dog? Wondering where, if, and how the clicker fits in? Stuck with an expert trainer of the old school, who believes in punishment, and lots of it, for your dog and for you? Here's some help!

Lary Lindsay has been running the Yahoo group ClickHerd for a year, now. Here's Lary's introduction:

"Since there seems to be little or no information out there on herding training using the clicker, and I suspect there are more of us interested than we know, a new list has been set up at Yahoo groups. You can find it at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ClickHerd/

This list provides a place to discuss teaching dogs to herd livestock using clicker training. The list is open to members using any herding breeds to herd any type of livestock (sheep, cattle, ducks, etc.) Appropriate topics include how to use clicker training to teach foundation behaviors for herding (recall, come bye, away to me, down at distance, etc.) to a young dog away from livestock, introducing the dog to livestock, using the clicker to prepare for trials, etc. The focus of the list is on clicker training, so discussion of other methods should be limited to finding clicker approaches to attain the same results.

It will probably be pretty low volume for now, but you have to start somewhere! I've also entered a couple of bookmarks for herding sites I've found and plan to identify more resources for us beginners. If there are any lurkers out there interested in clicking for herding, whether you're a beginner like me, or especially if you have any experience, please join in. I suspect this is an aspect of dog training that is relatively new to the clicker, so we can be pioneers!

Hope to see some of you "Come Bye" on ClickHerd!

Lary Lindsay

click herd click track

Sounds like the click herd may be gone. Bad news.  Wondering if there is anything li

ke click track out there.  Serious need for both.

Click Herd Group

Is the Clicker Herding group now defunct?
My membership has been pending for weeks now. I notice there is only one message for the entire year of 2009.
If it is, that is a shame. I was looking for some ideas on how to train herding using positive rather than aversive methods.
If it is defunct, is there any way to access the informtation you all discussed?

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