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Reactive Dog

Filed in - reactive - aggression

I am fostering a sweet girl that is very reactive to other animals and new places. It is though she literally looses her mind. She is a terrier/shar-pei mix that has not had a great deal of stability in her 1+ years of life. She was owned by someone and then taken to the humane society. The owner adopted her and had her for approximately 2 months. The dog was left with a neighbor while the owner traveled back to visit her parents over labor day. En route back, the owner was involved in a horrible automobile accident. The neighbor could not keep her any longer so she went to a church family who in turn could not keep her so she went to yet another home. After a few weeks that person could not keep her so she was placed in a cargo plane, shipped ill to my home. Because she was ill and contagious, I had to keep her kennel away from my animals until she had received a clean bill of health. At one point, she got away from me and attacked my Papillon. Luckily I was thge only one hurt. I now alternate both dogs being placed in their kennels so they have freedom to get excercise. I am starting obedience training and am doing fairly well with that. It was suggested that I start to work with clicker training to realign her mind. The owner probably will not be able to take resonsibility of her dog until after the first of the year. At that point, she will be in a wheelchair. With all that said, I have 2 goals (1) that the 2 dogs can enjoy each others company and not have to be kenneled, (2) that we work on calm. If I can not get that accomplished the owner will never be able to control her. It has been suggested that I start using the clicker traqining method. I don't know how and where to begin this process.

Aidan Bindoff's picture

Where to begin...

Hi Laura, there are lots of good resources out there that will give you a lot of help but if you are new to clicker training I suggest that you begin at the very beginning with these two resources -
1. Read Karen Pryor's book, Don't Shoot the Dog
2. start the program in the "Book of Training Levels" found here: http://www.dragonflyllama.com . While you may already know how to teach many of the exercises in the early levels with other methods, you cannot go wrong following Sue's instructions for teaching these behaviors with the clicker, and it's free.


