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I am so amazed by my dog!

Filed in - dog - children - be a tree

Today I took my Lab Maggie to a preschool to teach the kids about dog safety.  We saw about 50 kids.  We taught the kids about asking permission to touch a dog, patting on the chest as opposed the head, rules about no running, screaming or hugging and how to "Be a Tree" when standing and to "Be a Rock" if on the ground.  Maggie then did her tricks and we practiced having each child ask permission to pat her.  The kids did great and Maggie soaked up the love.  She really loves kids.

And that is what amazes me so much.  Maggie was not really socialized to kids.  I simply did not know that much about thorough socialization then and I did not have any access to small kids.  Yet she is madly in love with them and so gentle.

Maggie is a bold, friendly dog.  Left to her own devices she would greet everyone with gusto and if she is in the mood, a body slam!  That is, everyone but children.  She holds very still for them to pat her, kisses their faces gently and never crashes into them.  One little girl kept trying to hand Maggie a toy and Maggie ever so delicately would use her lips to take it from her.  It just amazes me to see this sweet, soft dog emerge from my rowdy party girl.

The funniest part of the entire day however was a four year old boy named Michael.  One of Maggie's tricks is "Stop, Drop and Roll".  I knew the firemen had been at the school last week and talked about this so I started with a question of "Who knows what you should do if your clothes catch on fire?".  Michael, in a voice that would lead you to believe there was only one obvious answer stated "You get your marshmellows and roast 'em"!  This is why I love going to the schools!