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KONG Student Scholarships for Karen Pryor Academy

Waltham, MA, April 18, 2008—Karen Pryor Academy is pleased to announce that KONG Company is sponsoring scholarships to Karen Pryor Academy’s flagship Dog Trainer Program. The $4,000 in KONG Company scholarship funds will support eight students with scholarships of $500 each.

KONG, a leader in the dog and cat toy industry, supports the expansion of the educational experience offered by Karen Pryor Academy. The scholarships will make the Dog Trainer Program's educational benefits more accessible to greater numbers of students in the shortest period of time.

Students who apply to the program after April 18, 2008 are eligible for these awards. Scholarships are awarded to individuals accepted into the Academy on a first–come, first-served basis, although the Academy reserves the right to limit awards in a particular location in order to help create geographic diversity. Applicants will be notified of scholarship awards along with their acceptance to the Academy.

Note that students receiving other sources of financial aid are not eligible for these scholarships. International students are also not eligible.

Aaron Clayton, President
Karen Pryor Clickertraining (KPCT)
49 River Street #3
Waltham, MA 02453
Phone: 800-47-CLICK


KONG Scholarship

How do I apply for this scholarship?

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