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Tracking Test -- epilogue, post-datum

Filed in - tracking - bond - relationship - health

My "Tracking Test -- Epilogue" post looked kind of doom and gloom, perhaps, and I had left out the most important part of the day.

Laev is happy!

Yes, she was uncertain on her track.  But she is bright-eyed, eager to engage with me, and she is now happily playing with a puzzle toy.  THAT is what matters a heck of a lot more than certifying or not.

And I do think she can do a TD track, or I wouldn't have wasted someone else's time in asking a judge to come watch us.  But even though we failed, the fact that Laev is feeling good today and was eager to go out this morning means that it's still a good day.


awww Jenny

Iunderstand why you feel bad about being judged like that, but we know, you know, and most importantly, your dog knows that it wasn't harsh, you both were having fun!