Clicker Training Community: Index

ClickerExpoTAGteach Seminars

TAGteach is a revolutionary methodology based on operant conditioning that enables educators and coaches to teach more efficiently and helps students learn more effectively. Students learn new skills remarkably quickly. Motivation rises to levels that we believe are quite unlike anything out there today. Mutual respect and trust resonates. For both coaches and students, stress decreases while fun increases. When professional coaches and teachers see TAGteach in action, their reaction is “wow.”

Upcoming Seminars

About the TAGteach Faculty

TAGteach seminars are taught by Theresa McKeon, Beth Wheeler and Joan Orr, Principals of TAGteach International. Read more about TAGteach faculty.

Host Your Own Seminar

Want to save on travel costs? Become the host of a TAGteach seminar. TAGteach International's Host Program allows individuals and organizations to hold a TAGteach certification seminar close to home. We provide national marketing support and the registration infrastructure, while the hosts provide local organizational support. Hosts receive a range of benefits including one or more complimentary registrations. To get started with TAGteach, learn about upcoming certification seminars, the host program, introductory sessions or custom programs for schools, visit our website or call us at 800-TAG-002 or 781-893-1756.

Related Training Materials

ClickerExpo DVD
Don't Shoot the Dog
The Power of Reinforcement