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Success Stories

Field Trip! Using Unique Learning Experiences to Build Your Training Business

Visual lessons—at the zoo!

Confessions of an iPhone Addict: TAGteach and the Power of Choice

Communication addiction

My name is Emelie, and I’m an iPhonaholic.

An Introduction to Emma Parsons’ New Book: Teaching the Reactive Dog Class

Editor’s note: One of the most common, yet also most challenging, behavior problems that dog trainers are asked to address is reactivity.

Saving Dogs in Cyprus: KPA Shelter Course Graduate Making a Difference

A pioneer overseas

Carole Husein, one of the first graduates of the new KPA Shelter Training & Enrichment course, is putting to good use everything that she learned in the course recently. Not only is she integrating lessons and tips from the Shelter course in her dog training business, School for Dogs, but she is making tremendous improvements in the lives of rescue dogs. Working through CyDRA (Cyprus Dogs Rehoming Association), an organization that supports private rescue kennels (Carole is the group's education and training coordinator), she oversees a private rescue kennel herself. Carole's volunteer and professional work is in Cyprus, a tiny ancient island in the Mediterranean, located south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, and northwest of Israel.