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Dog Training

We know we're reaching people when...

Shock collar trainer tells client she is using a "clicker."

Reward Success, Reward the Brain, Learn Faster

MIT research: When success is reinforced, physical changes in neurons observed that enable fast learning. No such changes observed in non-rewarded behavior.

Juneau's Leap of Faith

Juneau makes another overnight jump from terrified to no big deal, showing the power of the clicker and the target stick to break down fear barriers.

Juneau's confidence breakthrough!

Juneau, the unexcitable Malamute, has a confidence breakthrough.  I don't know why, but I'll take it!

Juneau, the amazingly, frustratingly calm Malamute.

Ideas and posts abound for dogs that need to learn to calm down and exhibit self-control.  But what do you do if your dog needs to learn to loosen up and have some fun?  Somebody help me, please!