Home » Click to Calm: Healing the Aggressive Dog

Click to Calm: Reviews

"Click for Calm is a must read for every dog owner, not just those with a reactive dog. Brava, Emma Parsons, on adding an important new book to the literature."
—Darlene Arden, author, The Angell Memorial Animal Hospital Book of Wellness and Preventive Care for Dogs

Click to Calm

"Luke, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, attended Emma's reactive dog class. It was difficult for him to enter the building when other dogs were here. After completing Emma's class, Luke's owners continued to work with him using Emma's teachings. Luke now attends group obedience classes and recently enjoyed a Rally class. In her book Emma presents a recipe formula for success that any dog owner can employ. Her recipes are clear and easy to follow. Click to Calm is a "must read" for all pet class instructors as well as owners of reactive dogs."
—Fran Masters MEd, CPDT, NADOI, MasterPeace Dog Training

"Written with compassion and respect for dogs and owners, Click to Calm is essential reading for anyone whose dog shows frightening or worrisome behavior. It is, however, far more than a first-rate guide to managing the dog that displays aggression to other dogs or to human beings. It is also a wise and practical guide for all of us about achieving peaceful, happy relationships with our dogs. It is simply superb."
—Susan Conant, author of Bride and Groom and other novels in the Holly Winter series of Dog Lover's Mysteries.

"Emma Parson's approach to dealing with aggression is a breath of fresh air. She make's excellent use of positive reinforcement to deal with a problem that is normally handled in such an aversive manner. Most important, her methods are much more than just theory; she presents practical applications using case studies from clients and even her own dog. I think everyone who has ever dealt with aggression in dogs, or any animal for that matter, could gain a great deal from Emma's approach."
—Ken Ramirez, VP for animal training, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago

"I purchased Emma Parson's Click to Calm as soon as it came out. As I am a vet tech and teach obedience classes, I asked the veterinarian for whom I work to purchase ten copies to sell in the store at our veterinary hospital, as I advise it to all of my students! It is the most straightforward, easy reading, thorough book on canine aggression I've found. I was then lucky enough to get Emma to visit the veterinary hospital where I work and give a talk. She spent three hours talking to me and my co-workers about implementing clicker training into our vet care with our patients. If you have a chance to listen to Emma speak, or get her book, Click to Calm, DO NOT HESITATE! She is great, fun, and helpful. Two paws up!"
—Jessica Janowski, AKC CGC Evaluator; APDT Member; Owner, "PuppyPlease" at Yahoo Groups

"Emma Parson's book is a significant breakthrough. Grounded in science, proven by experience, and tempered with a fine understanding of canines and humans, it is a must read for anyone who works with, owns, knows, or simply cares about dogs. You'll read and re-read this book and return to it repeatedly as a reference. We've long needed this book and now it is here!"
—Caryl Rose Pitcher

"This book is not just about aggressive dogs. It's also for any pet owner with a friendly but over-excitable dog, the leash-pulling, door-dashing barking, jumper-upper that drives everyone crazy. By choosing and following a few of Emma Parsons's step-by-step, punishment-free clicker training recipes, you yourself can help that dog to become the calm, responsive companion and family dog you dreamed of."
—Karen Pryor, author, Don't Shoot the Dog!

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