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ClickerConnect—KPCT's News Feeds via RSS

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Karen Pryor Clickertraining now offers ClickerConnect, a way to get clicker training news, articles, and gear updated automatically or included in your own website, free of charge. ClickerConnect is powered by RSS, or "Rich Site Summary."

  1. Do you use Yahoo!?
  2. Do you use MSN?
  3. Do you use Mozilla Firefox?
  4. Do you have your own website?
  5. Don't know where to start?
Yahoo users:Click here to add ClickerConnect to your My Yahoo! page.
MSN users:

Click on "Add content" to add ClickerConnect to your My MSN page, and enter the following URL:


Firefox users: Click on the  icon in the address bar of your browser to add a ClickerConnect Live Bookmark.
Website publishers:

Add the following line of code to your site wherever you'd like clicker training news to appear:

<script src='http://clickertraining.com/js/clickerconnect.js'></script>

You can style ClickerConnect however you like and make it fit with your website's look and feel, but if you'd like the news to appear with the colors and styles you see here, then also add the following line to the "<head>" of your page:

<LINK href="http://www.clickertraining.com/css/clickerconnect.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Don't know where to start?There are literally dozens of ways to read RSS news on your computer. If you don't use a customizable home page, and you don't want to switch to Firefox, we recommend you try one of the following:
  • Pluck: Free web-based news reader and Internet Explorer plug-in
  • FeedReader: Free, simple, and does exactly what it says.
  • Syndic8: News feed search engine that lets you browse RSS feeds and compile your own page of your favorites.
  • OR explore LockerGnome's QuickStart Guide to RSS for more ideas!