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May 16–22, 2010 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week

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You probably have heard someone say that his or her dog’s bark is worse than his bite. Maybe you’ve even used those words to describe your own dog’s behavior. Unfortunately, too often the old adage does not hold true. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 4.7 million Americans will be bitten by a dog this year, with about half of the victims under the age of 12. While there’s no way to guarantee that you won’t get bitten, or that your dog won’t bite someone else, there are things you can do to reduce the risk.Dog and Baby

In honor of National Dog Bite Prevention Week, May 16-22, 2010, we are highlighting ideas and resources that promote child safety and reduce bite risk. Thinking about getting a new puppy or expanding your family? In this month’s feature article, Kids & Dogs: Making It Click, Casey Lomonaco talks about how clicker training helps kids and dogs live together harmoniously and build a safe and loving bond. Doggone Safe, a nonprofit organization dedicated to dog bite prevention through education, offers great tips for parents and dog owners to help keep kids safe. The award-winning Doggone Crazy! board game teaches kids and families how to read dog body language and be safe around dogs. Be sure to check it out, along with our great selection of products for kids and dogs—all on sale this month at the clickertraining.com store! Just use coupon code DogsnKids at checkout!

For more safety ideas and training help, find a dog trainer in your area. Together, we can take the bite out of bite attacks!