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Most Popular Dog Costumes

Filed in - Small Pets - Events - Dogs - Cats
dog in yoda costume

According to a recent article on Boston.com, Yoda is the most searched-for costume on Yahoo!® this Halloween season. It's true that we have received a few Yoda submissions, but we have also received photos featuring other great costumes—both homemade and store-bought.

Are you planning on dressing up your dog, cat, or other pet for Halloween? Have you picked out or made the costume? We already have a good number of submissions for our costume contest, but there isn't one costume showing up more than others. After all your hard work getting your favorite friend ready for the fun festivities, be sure to take a picture and submit it to us. Enter the costume contest and you could win treats for your pet. All you have to do is take a picture of your pet dressed up in costume and then e-mail the picture.

Don't forget about the Click and Treat sale going on now—10% off all clickers and treats! (excludes bulk orders)

*All submissions must be received by 11/15/2009 to qualify. 

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