Home » recall

Why can't I have a recall like that

Filed in - recall

Few days ago, i was helping homing these two dogs, standing on the street, walking around with them, working with one of tham that was a bit fearfull. Dogs lived together and were abandoned together, left in a kennel and its obvious that they are a pack, not-fearful one being lets say a leader.

So, I was walking around with the more fearful one and her selfconfidence was really going up. At one point we got some 20 meters, maybe even less away from the other dog and the other dog just barked, once or twice. The dog I was walking with immediately turned away and started going towards the dog that barked...

I can describe those barks only as some kind of 'come back' signal... and the dog that was supposed to come back responded perfectly. This is the first time I saw this (maybe I did before but didn't notice) ,but, well, anyone knows how to bark?